“Find your path, or make one”

If I had a pound for every ex-City type I’ve meet since making the leap from banking law to fashion, I’m sure I could probably buy Chanel’s entire Spring/Summer 2018 collection. You see, I’m part of the ‘gap’ generation who finds itself on the edge of being classed as a ‘millennial’, but a little too young to be quite a Gen-Xer. Known for slash-careers and being more likely to follow a career ‘cycle’ than a traditional career path, we’re known for harnessing the tools of the digital age to turn our hobbies into viable occupations.

Yet with the spotlight often shining on my generation of millennials and our ideas-driven entrepreneurial spirit, the workplace trends of Generation X are often overlooked. New research released from Management Today, together with Vauxhall Motors, reveals the career ambitions, the opportunities, and challenges of the 40-something generation. Launching its new Insignia Grand Sport, Vauxhall Motors’ flagship vehicle, the research shows Generation X also adopting the freedoms of millennials to job hop, switch careers, launch businesses, and to study. It’s never too late to take a leap of faith or make the big move you’ve always dreamed of, and that’s what more and more Generation Xers are doing.

One such inspirational entrepreneur who’s proving just that is Nosh Detox’s Geeta Sidhu-Robb. Geeta is a former corporate lawyer-turned-entrepreneur behind the highly successful detox food delivery service, Nosh Detox which she was inspired to create after coping with her son’s multiple food allergies. I reached out to her to learn more about what it takes to make your passion your purpose – and make money while doing it.

Nosh Detox's Geeta-Sidhu Robb is a Generation X entrepreneur who's proved that it's never late to follow your passion. Find out how you can to right here:

Can you describe your morning routine?

I wake up about 6.45am every morning and I take the kids to the school bus. I then come back have a cup of tea, followed by a half hour workout and some meditation before eating breakfast and heading to work.

Do you have a daily uniform – a go-to “look” for work every day?

I like to dress according to my mood.

Can you describe the aesthetic of your living space?

Clean, uncluttered, a lot of colour. Not modern.

How do you find balance in your life?

It needs focus! I usually have certain rules, for example: don’t work after 7.30pm, don’t
work at weekends, go out with friends twice a week and see the kids every day!

How do you define beauty? Where do you go to find it?

I go home to Africa. I was born in Malawi and my mother is Kenyan. So I go back to
Kenya. When I land I feel my entire body exhaling. I see beauty everywhere I look.


Nosh Detox's Geeta-Sidhu Robb is a Generation X entrepreneur who's proved that it's never late to follow your passion. Find out how you can to right here:

How do you stay creative in your down time?

It’s instinctive. It’s harder not to be creative!

What was your first creation when you started Nosh Detox?

Home food delivery menus. I wanted to deliver gluten, dairy, and nut free food which
was still delicious. So making those menus was my first creation.

Can you tell me of a time where you’ve needed to follow your gut during the startup

All the time. Cashflow is a perpetual issue for businesses, so we used to close in August because ‘everyone was away’ and then we suddenly had bookings for August. So we took a leap and kept the company open. Then we used to close at xmas because ‘who detoxes at X-mas?’. When we realised people wanted healthy food at X-mas we opened 12 months out of 12. But that added to our cost before we made the money.

Has your definition of success changed over time?

Yes its now much more about helping people with where they are then where I want them to be! I try to join people at the conversation in their head now. My numbers are now about how many people I can help as opposed to just a revenue number.

What was the biggest challenge you faced in your career change from corporate lawyer to a food and lifestyle entrepreneur?

How to make enough money to feed my children and keep our roof over our heads! I had to make money immediately so giving up a salary was the hardest thing to do – ever!!! Trusting myself to be able to do this was my biggest growth process.

Does having training in another profession influence how your run your business?

Well it means I have skills that I can transfer. As an ex-lawyer I am really good at reading a lot of research and extracting the solution I need for my clients’ health.

What’s the best advice you can give someone who is thinking about changing careers
later in life?

Do it! But call me so I can coach you through it!! Why repeat the mistakes when I made them for you? I’ve actually recently been chosen as part of Vauxhall Motors and Management Today’s 40 over 40; a list of 40 people who all had successful career changes later in life – so it’s possible! And worth it. I love my career.

Nosh Detox's Geeta-Sidhu Robb is a Generation X entrepreneur who's proved that it's never late to follow your passion. Find out how you can to right here:

This was written in collaboration with Vauxhaul to coincide with the launch of the new Insignia Grand Sport, Vauxhall Motors has partnered with Management Today to produce Changing Lanes – a report looking at trends of the UK workforce. Visit www.vauxhall.co.uk/insignia to discover the stylish new flagship vehicle.