Let your eyes eat first

If there is one inexhaustible resource we can count on, it’s restaurants in London. From the traditional to deep dives into the city’s weird and wacky culinary subculture, London has an endless assortment to answer the question, “What’s for dinner tonight?”

Now, I’m one of those rare people who sometimes forgets to let my camera capture what’s on my plate before I inhale my food. It’s a habit I clearly need to kick. After all, if you eat at a restaurant and don’t Instagram it, were you ever really there? Thankfully, these restaurants are so aesthetically arresting, walking away without a stuffed camera roll is not on the menu.

Whether it’s the architecturally significant to the most detailed of immersive experiences, themed food festivals to futuristic interiors that tickle your imagination, these establishments have more to keep you on site than their tasty treats.

From the traditional to deep dives into its odd culinary subculture, here are 8 quirky restaurants in London to book to ensure your eyes eat first.